

Embrace the Spring and Summer with Healthy, Hydrated Lips

Embrace the Spring and Summer with Healthy, Hydrated Lips

Posted by Sindy De La Paz on on 21st Jun 2024

As we transition into the warmer months, it's time to focus on the often-overlooked aspect of our skincare routine: lip care. With the sun shining brighter and the temperatures rising, our lips requir … read more
Why Your Plain Deodorant Isn't Cutting It This Spring

Why Your Plain Deodorant Isn't Cutting It This Spring

Posted by Sindy De La Paz on on 29th Mar 2024

Spring is here, bringing warmer weather and blossoming flowers. But along with the joys of the season, many of us face the challenge of staying fresh and confident throughout the day. You may have not … read more
Tips and Tricks to Stay Dry During the Month of Love! ??

Tips and Tricks to Stay Dry During the Month of Love! ??

Posted by Sindy De La Paz on on 9th Feb 2024

Planning a date for the month of love? We get it; the excitement, the nerves, and the desire to make it perfect can be real. But worry not, Klima Crew! We've got some tips and tricks to help you stay … read more